May I publish METACOM symbols on the Internet?

The Licensee may include photos on his/her website and in sozial media that only show the use of the Symbols, but are not suitable for producing materials with Symbols. For example, a photo showing a communication board with symbols lying on a table is permitted. Not allowed is e.g. a photo in the quality of a scan of the communication board or a screenshot of the communication board file.

If the licensee is a school, a day care center or an institution for people with disabilities, up to 25 symbols may be published on the licensee's website (but not in social media) without permission. The symbols may have a maximum size of 250x250 pixels and may be exchanged for other symbols if necessary, provided that no more than 50 different symbols are published per year. A copyright notice must be attached (METACOM symbols © Annette Kitzinger). Any publication beyond this is subject to approval.

Please send requests for permission with a detailed description of the planned type of publication and the number/size of symbols (alternatively send the material for viewing) by e-mail, dazu please click here.