Color schemes and collection names of the weekday symbols

METACOM uses its own color scheme for days of the week, which originally derived from the fact that special schools in Germany often introduced the days of the week together with the very popular book by Erich Carle "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". The symbols are available in 3 variants: With letters only, with pictures of color-matched foods, and with language-matched pictures (Montag > Mond, Dienstag A Dienst, Mittwoch > Mitte, etc.). The weekend days Saturday and Sunday are both white, analogous to calendars, the „Sonntag” (Sunday) label "So" appears in red. (Initially, only Saturday was white and Sunday was pink, these symbols can still be found in the symbol collection. Because of the relationship to ordinary calendars and the weekend visually summarized by the same color scheme, the Sunday color was changed).

In some countries and institutions other color schemes have been established or the weekday names have different initial letters. Therefore, it is necessary to offer different variants. There is also a variant for self-coloring, here the symbol background is transparent or semi-transparent behind the letters.

The different weekday systems are organized in collections so that a label appears at each symbol. METACOM weekdays have an M as label, those commonly used in Austria have a T, those in other languages are indicated by matching flags. The weekday collections are only displayed if the language setting is suitable, e.g. the English-language symbols have no labels if the language setting is German.

In Menu > Collections you can individually set which collections should be displayed or hidden. Symbols of hidden collections still appear in the search, but are no longer marked by labels. This makes orientation easier when searching for symbols.