Pro Licence

The Pro Licence is to be acquired by institutions, legal persons, companies, sole traders.

Each Pro Licence is accompanied by a licence size agreed between Publisher and the licensee. The licence size determines the maximum number of available licence spaces. The licensee is free to decide whether to allocate the licence spaces to product users, product workstations or concurrent product usages. 

Product user is a natural person who works with the product on one or more devices for the licensee’s purposes and is bound by the licensee’s instructions regarding use of the product. Each product user designated by the licensee occupies a separate licence space. 

Product workstation is a device on which one or more persons can work with the product for the licensee’s purposes. Each product workstation designated by the licensee occupies a separate licence space. Servers or terminal servers used for the provision of the product are not product workstations; clients of the servers count as product workstations. 

Concurrent product usages are product sessions (use of the product or its components) running on the licensee’s terminal servers at the same time and are therefore limited to terminal server environments that count and limit all product usages running at the same time. The maximum number of concurrent product usages allowed is 1/3 (one third) of the licence spaces allocated for such purpose. 

Combinations and subsequent changes in the allocation of licence spaces are permitted. For example, the licensee may divide a licence size 60 as follows: 30 licence spaces for 10 simultaneous product usages on a terminal server, 30 licence spaces for workstations with local installation. 

System requirements

More info about the Pro license

  • The right of use of the Pro Licence includes use of the product or parts thereof in networked installation environments and on terminal servers. 
  • The licensee is responsible for establishing and maintaining access restrictions that ensure use limited to the licence size. 
  • The symbols of the METACOM 9 symbol collection may be modified by the product users and by the licensee for their personal purposes.